Sunday, November 12, 2006


on Selvan's Blog

Stunning video Selvan! Left me speechless!

But, I don’t think there is any correlation between vegetarianism and nonviolence towards fellow humans! Else, the world would not have witnessed ruthless slaughtering of millions by a group of strict vegetarians and animal-rights advocates: Adolf Hitler and other leading Nazis, the Aryan supremacist!

Honestly, even in our own country, every time when I am faced with this extrapolation dilemma, it reminds me of the damage done to our society for centuries by a small community who are living in the midst of us, and who happened to be vegetarians as well! Although, they did not practice violence, but they did much more damage to the society by rendering a major chunk of the population completely useless! I am more scared of these people, than the ones that point their sword to my throat!

Thanks, now I can take a deep breath! :)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Contentment: Some Thoughts

on BIJO's Blog

LOL, that fornication statement was an innocent example Bijo is citing to substantiate his point, CEP... it does not mean anything else as your perverted mind thinks otherwise!! :) BTW, what is wrong in taking an “aim” at someone else’s wife; after all she is not bonded to her husband for good!

Now focusing on your questions on desire and discontent, along with many, one of the important issues that we are not discussing here is the “moral” attribute of the desire. Morality in general covers ethics, principle and judgments regarding “right and wrong”. Depending on which part of the society you are in, this may also draw the distinction between sin and virtue or good and evil or heaven and earth or (...well, there is no limit to how insane humans can become! lol). What I am saying (through CEP’s hijack) is that “desire” puts you in an “unsatisfied”, “unstable” state called “discontent”. Hence in order to get back to a satisfied, stable state you have to “pursue” and “get” that which you desire, then comes “content”; again, an important point to note here is, that this attribute and behavior of desire is in no way a moral justification for its manifestations (your thoughts & actions)! Being right or wrong is outside a desire’s context! …on the contrary, based on your social norm, desire, when accomplished, may create “guilt” as its byproduct, but as far as the desire itself is concerned, it will put you in a successful, stable state. I am not diminishing the role of moral here, because, interestingly, sometimes morals can put even the “failed desires” in to a successful, stable state! “thank God, I did not do that when I was tempted” kinda feeling!

So to conclude, in answering your question, your morals on war and fornication can put you in a very uncomfortable position, if you pursue. But at the same time, to desire them will also put you in that same uncomfortable position, if you don’t pursue!

Hope this helps.

p.s. CEP, did you notice Twinkle’s rationale? sort of more in-line with yours, I mean real-your stand!! :)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What is the meaning of beauty

on LAXMI's Blog

Good question! But no answers, yet!! lol.

If you rephrase the question, like "who thinks that we are beautiful & why?", then we might have an answer! because the beholder’s eyes differ dramatically!! For instance:

1. Handsome men find any female who is worth taking for a dinner, is beautiful (George Clooney types)
2. WWF men find any woman who is worth humping (lol), is beautiful (Schwarzenegger types)
3. Wise men find any woman who is ugly, is beautiful (Woody Allen types)
4. Rich man finds any woman who is stupid, is beautiful (Donald Trump types)
5. Nerds looks any women that fits into the golden-ratio, is beautiful ( types)
6. Pigs finds anything that looks like a female, is beautiful! (There are a lot like these in 360! lol)

To sum up, there is always an admirer available for every girl in the world, well at least to most of them, regardless of how she looks! lol.

What's in a Name?

Om T~ Blog

There was an ancient civilization that flourished around the banks of the river Indus (northwestern part of India), about 1800 years ago; you must have heard about this, called "Dravidian Civilization". Excavations in 1920 at two important sites Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro revealed that they were very advanced in art, literature & technology and served as an ancient prototype of modern-day utopian tower (no war, live and let live kinda stuff...) for northern Africa, Mediterranean and Middle-eastern civilizations. They spoke a language called "Tamil"; this is a very complicated language and has 256 alphabets!

...I am not done yet!lol.

When the Aryans invaded India, the Dravidians migrated to the south. One prominent state in India that speaks this language even today is TamilNadu, meaning the "The Nation of Tamil". Yes, people live in that state are hardcode language-fanatics (including my family), and it is a common practice for them to prefix the name of their language in-front of anything that is dear & near to their heart, as an explicit expression of their love to their language!

Hence born my first name TamilSelvi: Tamil="Name of my language", Selvi="Daughter/Miss/Spinster/Virgin"! Uh! What is wrong with my parents! :)

Friday, November 03, 2006

So when does invasion of Iran begin??

On Kevin's Blog

Neocons will cease to exist if peace reigns in the world, my friend... They need war, always. If there is none in sight then they will create one! Without war they cannot do the following:

1.Make Money,
2.Win Elections
3.Amass Power
4.Create a Permanent Working Class
5.Establish One Religion
6.Remove Intellectualism, and finally
7.Bring Alive their Dream: The New World Order

No one can stop them, as of today, they are winning!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Banality of Evil

on Maysun's Blog

Harri: Democracy IS in action now in your country (assuming you are from US, from your profile), as 51% did vote for the war indirectly. Interesting enough, many polls suggests even majority of the soldiers on the ground are in favor of the war! Kingmaker Dr. James Dobson (Focus on the Family) and his dumb “Eichmann” mob strongly believe in war too! ...see what happened to John Kerry yesterday, a clear testimony of how much you guys (majority of them, I mean) love war!

Hence, it doesn’t count who is intelligent and who is not, what actually may count is just how MANY are there in the opposing side! Democracy has nothing to do with intelligence Harri, it is just a mob rule! Well, a constitution may give an illusion that it will prevent such mob takeover, but in reality, it too can be “mobbed” by what is called the Constitutional Amendment! Do you know if 67% (supermajority) of your country decides one fine morning to bring back slavery, they CAN!!!

The way you describe war is a typical Orwellian talk; you call it horrible, nasty, ugly, even as porn! lol But you turn around and rationalize that military is the “teeth” which every country has to use when need!! Hilarious, because what you don’t realize is that the key-phrase “when it is needed” is decided by the mobs (51%)!

What we need at this point of history is a CHANGE OF HEART about the war itself, and not when and how a war must be conducted.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Philosophy of Life

On T~ Blog

My philosophy of life? Mmm... life is maze, where we are always in the middle of this labyrinth, with a never-ending quest for truth, wisdom, knowledge, comfort, care, love, lust,... uh... a never-ending list... the worst, all of them exist outside this maze!! lol, like this picture:

Very interesting analysis, especially positioning the maze at the metaphysical level! Thought-provoking indeed T~

My philosophy of life is not that complex, in fact, I realize that I did not explain the reason clearly in my comment (as my mother-tongue is not English, many a times, my sentence-constructs propagate completely different meaning than what I intended!lol, and this one is surly a mess, sorry about that).

Ok here is my point - There is no one religion, no one ideology, no one set of societal values and so on... Given this heterogeneous nature of the environment we live-in, especially when the differences are contradicting with one another, I think as humanity we are totally screwed! ...leaving with us just ONE single solace: the hope that the truth is somewhere in the ether, and some we will find it someday!

Yes, the yellow blot in center is us, and the truth is the wide space outside the maze. The maze itself represents the confusing and contradicting current state of the mankind; variety of promises & hopes, leading us sometimes to dead-ends and disappointments, but we shouldn’t give up, after all life is the journey of finding the truth, isn’t it? So we need to constantly do diligent course-corrections (using our bad experiences, mabe!). The green blot is the gateway to our freedom (because truth will set us free, I believe that!) It is the only exit-door which will release us from our current miserable state to an eternal boundless bliss (wide open space).

Further, keeping aside the fact that there is just "one way" out, by being in the center one has no clue as to what that "way" is, because the one who has already exited has no way of telling us how he exited! lol... (because he is no more in the context)! Hence everyone needs to work his own way out, which I call the "self-realization", unfortunately this does not come that easily...

Not sure I made my point (or I make any sense at all! lol). As of now this is what I think the function of life is all about: Seek the truth, you will find it (or it will find you)! :)

How do we define SUCCESS?

On T~ Blog

My dad once said, "if you can’t understand something, try understanding its opposite first"! Hence instead of counting my success, I always count my failures first! It is simple and extremely easy to do that, because failures leave lots of trails; at least one guaranteed souvenir: the "hurt"! lol. ...that way we know for sure that we have failed (even when our own ego refuses to accept it!). Failure, contrary to many, is not a negative connotation! It became negative only because it happened to be the antonym of the English word "success"! In reality, failure is a rigorous timeout/course-correction mechanism built in all forms of progressive entities. Be it our career, our passion, our invention, our love, or for that matter our very existence! In the labyrinth of life, failures are the indispensible road-signs, like no-entry, stop, take U-turn and so on that actually help us reach the correct destination, safely, if you think of it!

The bottom line is that, am I successful? You bet, yes! Am I a failure? Definitely a BIG yes, most of the time! lol. Hence, I would say that we should not take these two words, failure & success, seriously! :) First Dream a dream, next diligently make an attempt to bring every aspect of that dream to life. Now-and-then you may have to take a timeout and do some course-corrections, drop some baggage, but continue to pursue your dream with all your heart & soul!

Well, if your dream hits too-many traffic violations, mmmm...then label it "a bad dream" and shelf it (or simply dump it!) ...proceed to sleep, to dream a new dream, all over again! :) I am not kidding you know, actually this is what I do, call me crazy! lol.