Sunday, November 05, 2006

What is the meaning of beauty

on LAXMI's Blog

Good question! But no answers, yet!! lol.

If you rephrase the question, like "who thinks that we are beautiful & why?", then we might have an answer! because the beholder’s eyes differ dramatically!! For instance:

1. Handsome men find any female who is worth taking for a dinner, is beautiful (George Clooney types)
2. WWF men find any woman who is worth humping (lol), is beautiful (Schwarzenegger types)
3. Wise men find any woman who is ugly, is beautiful (Woody Allen types)
4. Rich man finds any woman who is stupid, is beautiful (Donald Trump types)
5. Nerds looks any women that fits into the golden-ratio, is beautiful ( types)
6. Pigs finds anything that looks like a female, is beautiful! (There are a lot like these in 360! lol)

To sum up, there is always an admirer available for every girl in the world, well at least to most of them, regardless of how she looks! lol.


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