Marriage: For better or worse?
On Angelina's Blog
Nice post, Angelina, here is my take (long) on this! lol :
All species do this trio, “flirt, court and mate” in certain seasons, in the mating-season to be precise; for most species it is once a year. Although some male species hold their females captive for more than one season (territorial alpha-males, I should say), majority of the species mutually divorce their partners soon after the mating is over, or at least after the young ones arrive! In addition, there is no equivalent stage for fiancé in the trio, but there is a definite forth stage, divorce, happens after mating! Once the mating season is over, neither the male nor the female bother about the trio, probably busy gathering food until next mating season! lol.
On the contrary, in humans, the female species hold-on to their males after mating, mainly to share the burden of bringing-up the young ones (sort of joint-accountability, introduced by the memes for the “deeds” committed). Interesting enough, in order to prevent the males from running away in this hostage situation, memes also made her to frequently give him a “mock-trio” throughout the off-season! lol. Pathetic males seem to buy into this trick and keep themselves busy reapplying the trio again and again and again to the same partner! lol. The insane reality in this situation is that the first two elements in the original trio “flirt & court” is no more relevant now in the mock, but still both parties unconsciously fake themselves as though these entities exist! lol... never underestimate the power of memes!
Sooner or later, reality will surface (when the primate genes bring them to their senses)... initially, the males especially, will begin to skip the first two steps and directly jump to the third item: just mating! :) or begin to get “gee, what am I doing here? shouldn’t I be gathering food instead?” kinda feeling! For the females, this may come as a shock, as she will not only realizes that “flirt & court” is missing in her hostage, but also see him attempting that very charm on new suitors sometimes! lol Well, now the meme cannot let this happen hence will kick-in the standard defense-mechanism (emotional gloom, societal law, moral & religious norms, panic etc.) confronting the great law of natural selection! Caught in the middle of this war is their offspring, completely confused and disoriented!!!
The moral of the story is that there is no solution to this mess because memes and the genes are always in direct conflict with one another; we have to wait and see how this specie evolves, and who wins; the gene or the meme!!! Hence CEP may have to keep his fingers crossed for an Epoch (a few million years), maybe! lol.
Nice post, Angelina, here is my take (long) on this! lol :
All species do this trio, “flirt, court and mate” in certain seasons, in the mating-season to be precise; for most species it is once a year. Although some male species hold their females captive for more than one season (territorial alpha-males, I should say), majority of the species mutually divorce their partners soon after the mating is over, or at least after the young ones arrive! In addition, there is no equivalent stage for fiancé in the trio, but there is a definite forth stage, divorce, happens after mating! Once the mating season is over, neither the male nor the female bother about the trio, probably busy gathering food until next mating season! lol.
On the contrary, in humans, the female species hold-on to their males after mating, mainly to share the burden of bringing-up the young ones (sort of joint-accountability, introduced by the memes for the “deeds” committed). Interesting enough, in order to prevent the males from running away in this hostage situation, memes also made her to frequently give him a “mock-trio” throughout the off-season! lol. Pathetic males seem to buy into this trick and keep themselves busy reapplying the trio again and again and again to the same partner! lol. The insane reality in this situation is that the first two elements in the original trio “flirt & court” is no more relevant now in the mock, but still both parties unconsciously fake themselves as though these entities exist! lol... never underestimate the power of memes!
Sooner or later, reality will surface (when the primate genes bring them to their senses)... initially, the males especially, will begin to skip the first two steps and directly jump to the third item: just mating! :) or begin to get “gee, what am I doing here? shouldn’t I be gathering food instead?” kinda feeling! For the females, this may come as a shock, as she will not only realizes that “flirt & court” is missing in her hostage, but also see him attempting that very charm on new suitors sometimes! lol Well, now the meme cannot let this happen hence will kick-in the standard defense-mechanism (emotional gloom, societal law, moral & religious norms, panic etc.) confronting the great law of natural selection! Caught in the middle of this war is their offspring, completely confused and disoriented!!!
The moral of the story is that there is no solution to this mess because memes and the genes are always in direct conflict with one another; we have to wait and see how this specie evolves, and who wins; the gene or the meme!!! Hence CEP may have to keep his fingers crossed for an Epoch (a few million years), maybe! lol.
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